"Racing" With the Moon


All 7 Roster Slots are scored

Handicap lower than last week (-0.01)? +1 Per Participant

All Team Members Present? +1 "Bonus" Per Team

A Full Team of 7 is eligible for up to 8 Participation Points Per Week, and up to 72 Per Season


NASTAR's Team Score adjusts for Age and Gender for each Racer to obtain up to 10.00 points for performance.

Weekly Team Scores are the AVERAGE of team's Top 4 (by Team Score) for up to 10.00 Race Points per team.

Race Team's 2 lowest Team Scores each season (10 races) are thrown out for up to 80.00 Race Points per season

Important Notes

All 7 Participants are scored, not just the "Top 4 Racers".

1 Empty Roster Slot reduces your Race Team's maximum participation points from 73 to 62 per season. (9 per empty slot)

1 Absence reduces your Race Team's maximum participation points from 73 to 70. Team's lose the attendance point and the racer loses 2 weeks of potential participation points. (3 per absence)

An injured racer might be counted as an absence!

Platinum racers are capped by their minimum handicap range. Skiing faster than a 10.00 Team Score is not rewarded by NASTAR.

Putting a Pacesetter on your Race Team reduces a Race Team's maximum participation points by up to 4 points.

Participation > Racing

1 Participation Point = 5+ Seconds of Racing

Example: Each of Race Team A's Top 4 racers can achieve a Team Score of 10.00 and an average Team Score of 10.00. If nobody on the team has a lower handicap than the previous week, and one racer is absent, they achieve 0.00 Participation Points, and a total Team Score of 10.00.

Race Team B's Top 4 racers each achieve Team Scores of 2.00 and an average Team Score of 2.00. If everybody on the team has a lower handicap than the previous week, and no racers are absent, 8.00 Participation Points are awarded, achieving a total Team Score of 10.00.

Game the System


The Participation Point System has nothing to do with racing or improving. You have to be cunning.

The Participation Point calculator provides the math to create your Team Score strategy, and understand the relationship between Participation Points and Race Performance.

See Saw Strategy (SSAW - Ski Slower and Win): Wear a jacket and pants one week, just a jacket the next, and a gs suit the third week.

Clothing is a consistent and predictable mechanism to lock-in Participation Points. If a team's "scored" (Top 4) racer is 6% slower in a jacket and pants they have sacrificed a maximum of 0.25 of their Team Score to obtain 1 Participation Point. If the racer is 5th, 6th, or 7th on the team then they have sacrificed 0.00 of the weekly average Team Score.

How it "wins": Participation Points NEGATE racing. According to the system, a 0.01 handicap difference for one person from one week to the next, or full team attendance, are EACH equal to a total 24+ handicap performance improvement for the Top 4 Scored racers.

All of your Top 4 Racers would have to ski 1.25 - 2+ seconds faster EACH to earn the same points as one racer achieving a handicap of 0.01 lower than the previous week.

Why They Won't Tell You